To start 2015, why not learn how to cleanse your body through fuel instead of starving yourself with strict diets? Here are a few of my tips on the art of cleansing with food!
Every so often we need to cleanse our livers. Why the liver is so important:
• Filters endogenous & exogenous toxins
• Nutrient Absorption
• Cholesterol
• Hormone stability
• Immune strength
The art of cleansing is much about what you put in as
opposed to what you take out.
to promote natural cleansing
Fruit &
Vegetables (rich in antioxidants, fiber and phytonutrients):
Cruciferous Vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower Brussels
sprouts. Cabbage
Others - watercress,
rocket, onions, garlic, chicory, beetroot
(Rule of thumb: steam, eat raw (warmer months), add to
sauces, soups. Organic or local. Scrub
if organic, peel if not.)
Fruit – berries, apples, pears, pomegranate ,pineapple
(Rule of thumb: stew or poach in colder months as it
releases the pectin. Organic or local, peel or scrub.)
Spices –
high antioxidant activity, increases the enzymatic activity needed for toxicant
breakdown, promotes optimum digestion and therefore elimination.
Use these spices – turmeric, anise, caraway, celery seed,
cilantro, cumin coriander, dill, fennel, mint, garlic, onions, ginger, paprika,
saffron (i.e. Curries are IDEAL for a cleanse!)
Proteins –
organic grass-fed lean meats (poultry, wild fish, lamb) and plant protein.
Grains –
they contain fiber, antioxidants, B Vitamins and phenolic acid needed for
almost all of the detoxification pathways.
Grains to eat – brown rice. Millet quinoa. Oats.
our body NEEDS them! They modulate & regulate the ability to store
toxins. Sat fats & trans fats reduce
was cells own ability to detoxify.
Essential Fats (fish oils, seed & nuts oils) can increase the
breakdown of toxins.
Fats to munch – seeds & nuts (best if soaked or grind),
oily fish (sardines, anchovies. Wild salmon, mackerel)