Alisa Burke helps professionals and entrepreneurs transform from drained to revitalised using mind and body techniques so that they can create and sustain positive change and lead a life they are excited about. Alisa’s experience and qualifications included working in an earlier high pressure finance career, as a qualified fitness professional, qualified transformational coach and embodiment trainer.
"Is age nothing but a mindset? Here's 3 ways you can turn back the clock on your agility AND look and feel younger!
you sometimes wish you had the energy, flexibility, and looks of a decade or
two ago?
in your life acts as a trigger transporting you back to your childhood or time
at college? Maybe you have kept an object from that time or find music from
that era brings back vivid memories? Did you know that research is showing that
this may be the clue to a powerful way we can turn back the clock to have more
of that energy and youthfulness. Read on to find out how.
I was on the recent detox retreat with Chloe and Natalia in Tuscany (it was
truly fab!), Chloe took us through a Barre Pilates class. Standing there
holding the ‘Barre’ whilst doing side leg raises took
me back to the fifteen years I practised ballet. It felt great and has inspired
me to stay young in my approach to exercise.
was therefore intrigued when shortly after, as ever with my eye out for
mind-body research, I came across an article about a series of experiments
conducted by Langer and colleagues - a long serving professor of Psychology at
Harvard. Many of her experiments manipulate how we perceive things, for example
tricking participants as to how much sleep they'd actually had in order to test
that a lot of our tiredness is in the mind.
ones that stood out for me though had two ‘tactics’:
first of these manipulated the environment around the participants by
inviting them to stay in a resort where the decor, magazines, music and films
etc were all from two decades earlier. They were not allowed mirrors, and
photos in their rooms were of them 20 years younger.
other tactic was asking participants to perceive they were young again
and act like they were young again. Even though the group were elderly,
they were treated like they were young again such as having to carry their own
cases upstairs. A ‘just get on with it’ approach! The
results showed there were actual measurable improvements versus a control group
(who merely reminisced about being younger).
sight improved, they sat taller, were more agile and looked younger.
studies like these above suggest three ways you can run your own experiment to turn
back your clock:
Change gear in your mindset. Think back to a time in your life you enjoyed
yourself, felt great and were happy. Can you try to recreate how that felt?
Visualise yourself at that time and allow yourself to smile and feel the energy
and lightness or whatever the feelings were you remember having at that time in
your life. Is there a time of day such as travelling to work you can practise
bringing back how this felt and visualise being that age again?
Is there a quality you had at that age that you would like more of again now?
What change can you make to your environment that could trigger you to have
more of that quality? If you want to have more fun and lightness again in your
life, what fun object could you keep on your desk or fun piece of art for your
wall? Here’s a couple of bits
of art in my house that make me grin when I see them:
to pick just one quality for your experiment - your brain prefers to focus on
creating one new pattern at time.
you are interested in executive life
coaching where you can gain a better understanding of how you can
take advantage of the powerful mind-body connection, visit to find out more.
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four part series on how to improve your sleep as well as access to a series of
four short videos where you can learn how to switch off, overcome fears and
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